Ministry of Trade and Industry Cooperatives and Marketing. National Implementation Unit. P O Box 747. Phase II LNDC Center. Level 2. Maseru 100
Functions / Key Results Expected
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the EIF Project Coordinator, the National Economist, as part of the Planning, Strategy and Policy, advises MTICM Senior Management on macroeconomic policies and trends and relevant linkages to trade and Aid for Trade (AfT)programmes. The National Economist carries out operational research and provides analysis for formulation of strategies and briefings to Senior Management. The Economist works with Ministry’s Planning Unit and other Government counterparts to identify alternative macroeconomic policy options and to enhance the policy impact of trade related and AfT projects and programmes. The National Economist advocates for and represents EIF/MTICM in his/her area of expertise as requested by his/her supervisor.
The National Economist may supervise and lead a team of experts, international and national consultants and project staff. The National Economist maintains a network with colleagues from ES, TFM-UNOPS, UNDP, UN Agencies, Government officials, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society.
Summary of Key Functions:
a. Provides strategic and policy analysis advice and capacity building to MTICM management and the EIF programme section on economic and development issues
b. Oversee the development of the National Trade Policy and Export Strategy lead by the Department of Trade and Planning Unit.
c. Oversee Development of project proposals for funding by the EIF and other donors
d. Facilitates creation of strategic partnerships and support to resource mobilization
e. Advocacy and promotion of awareness of MTICM mandate and mission- with relevance to AfT and EIF Programme
1. Provides strategic and policy analysis advice to MTICM management and the EIF programme section on economic and development issues as part of a team-driven process towards upstream-orientation of MTICM support projects and programmes focusing on:
Continuous analysis of the country’s development assets and opportunities as well as constraints to sustainable broad-based growth and poverty reduction using both qualitative and quantitative information
Compilation, analysis and interpretation of economic and statistical data, thorough research on the economic and development issues in the country and preparation of meaningful analysis and relevant reports.
Provision of top quality economic analysis and substantive input to programming documents, such as NSDP, DTISU, MTP, project documents, annual work plans and other strategic documents.
Carry out research activities that enhance the quality of EIF/MTICM’s programming in the focus areas of Pro-poor developmental policies,
Coordinate formulation of research proposals and their implementation by outside consultants.
Coordinate the creation and updating of socio-economic data bases.
Advice on possible areas for EIF support and adjustment of on-going programmes to ensure that EIFprogrammes are in line with national policies and priorities.
Produces periodic socio-economic briefs that cover EIF’s focus areas and also provide analysis of anticipated or likely political, economic and social changes over the short- to medium-term
Contributes to production and launch of economic reports, including National Human Development Reports and the Millennium Development Goals Report.
Contribution to sub-regional, regional and inter-agency initiatives related to development/economic issues, in particular on AfT and trade facilitation
Representation of EIF/MTICM in different working groups, including National Development Plans, Sectoral Strategies, MDGs, etc
2. facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
Assist in workshop planning and organization of strategic paper presentations and analysis
Preparation of training plans and organization in the implementation of the Capacity Assessment,
Development of trade mainstreaming programme
Workshop on review of the implementation of the country’s trade mainstreaming agenda
Ensure that Trade related priority programmes are fully entailed in the National policy guiding documents
Review and update the inclusion of Trade Related Priority programmes in the National Guiding Documents
Training and capacity building support for EIF staff and Government officials, public institutions on economic issues.
3. Facilitates creation of strategic partnerships and support to resource mobilization focusing on achievement of the following results:
Assist Management in the preparations for the;
Presentation of DTISU, and MTP policy priority programmes to the DPCF bi-monthly meeting
Presentation of DTISU and MTP policy priority actions to the donor group forum with MTICM-Private sector
Quarterly Break-fast meetings on Trade Development update
Resuscitating the Government- Development Partners technical working group in the Ministries of Finance and Development Planning on Private Sector Development
Development of partnerships with the bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, UN Agencies, government institutions, private sector, civil society areas based on strategic goals of EIF/MTICM, country needs and donors’ priorities.
Analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation.
Production of periodic updates and briefs on country development situation to be used by stakeholders.
Undertaking of selected studies/research on emerging development concerns that feed into government/development partners processes.
Assist Planning Unit and the M&E Office in the preparation of the annual matrix of donor projects and report against the Medium-term Programme (MTP)
4. Advocacy and promotion of awareness of MTICM mandate and mission focusing on achievement of the following results:
Research on new sources of AFT funding to support MTP and DTISU action programmes
Review the regulatory framework for PPP Lesotho as well as the Procurement Manual with participation of Development Partners
Regional and International exchange programmes with other LDCs to develop joint initiatives
Development of new communication tools with support from EIF ES Communication Office.
Public and policy advocacy for the NSDP, DTISU, MTP’s, pro-poor, equitable and sustainable economic growth by participating in relevant forums, conferences and trainings.
Support to monitoring progress and formulation of strategies towards the achievement of the DTISU, MTP, Tier 1&2 Projects implementation.
Management of events and publications on economic issues.
Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents
Building support and political acumen
Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation
Promoting effective teams
Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication
Creating an emotionally intelligent organization
Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning.
Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking
Qualifications, Experience and Competencies Required
Masters Degree in Economics or a related area with project implementation background plus at least two (2) years of relevant experience. At least (5) five years of relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of a post-graduate qualification. Working with donor and government funded projects and project systems will be an asset and also an added advantage.
The main objective of the M&E Specialist is to assist EIF-NIU for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 technical and financial performance; providing quality assurance and accountability through developing a system for EIF-NIU Monitoring, evaluation and reporting linked to continuous program planning, developing an Management Information System (EIF-NIU-MIS); conducting periodic assessments of trade development and its impact on the main economic growth; conducting action research projects each year to plan and to improve EIF-NIU services and preparing sectional budget.
Main Duties:
Under the overall administration and supervision of the EIF Project Coordinator, M&E Specialist is expected to deliver on the following:.
1.0. Monitoring and evaluation of the EIF Tier 1&2 Technical and Financial Performance and also assist in the preparing and overseeing the final evaluation of the Tier 1 project
1.1. Develops a national system for monitoring, evaluation, reporting and follow ups for easy implementation of the Tier 1&2 Projects.
1.2. Develops EIF M&E Manual, indicators charts, instruments and guides.
1.3. Designs and develops a reporting schedule and an annual national EIF National Plan.
Monitors and evaluates the performance of the EIF Tier 1&2 Projects to facilitate their effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness based on agreed qualitative and quantitative outcome and impact indicators
1.4. Development of M&E Training programme for the proposed Aft Coordination
1.5. Reviews the Tier 1&2 Logical Frameworks as well as the activities to include new trends.
2.0. Build the systems and tools of the Planning Unit of the MTICM in the provision of quality assurance and accountability through developing a system for monitoring, evaluation and reporting linked to continuous donor and Government programme planning
2.1. Develops and reviews performance indicators and establishes baselines, targets and data collection systems for relevant projects.
2.2. Monitors adherence to planned activities, time, standards of outputs, and costs through consultations.
2.3. Assists implementing officers (technical and financial) to produce monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports by provision of templates and ensuring understanding.
2.4. Reviews monitoring reports, analyses them for impact evaluation and identifies challenges.
2.5. Disseminates progress reports to key stakeholders in time to ensure they inform policy, planning and budgeting processes of the trade sector. Assist the Planning Unit and NIU team in liaison with local and international agencies requesting and sharing project data.
2.6. Assists and strengthens the Ministry Planning/AfT Coordination Unit in production of MTICM annual statistical bulletins.
3.0 Conducting periodic assessments of trade and Aid for trade development
3.0. Prepare an annual matrix of ongoing and planned donor and government projects related to trade and private sector development.
3.1. Prepare an annual report of implementation of the Medium term Plan (MTP) on behalf of senior management for the National Steering Committee including progress of all ongoing trade related projects. This will include collaborating with all other relevant management systems in line ministries and Bureau of Statistics to secure existing data for Aid for trade and trade Policy indicators.
3.2. Stage an Annual Dialogue to establish progress towards achievement of NSDP and DTISU indicators on trade from the work plan
4.0. Prepares a plan for the national assessments of trade development.
Conducts monitoring, surveys and studies to gain data for new indicators.
4.1. Carries out surveys on trade and trade related development agenda which will be used for planning EIF services with a special focus on Aid for trade and Trade related Technical Assistance.
4.2. Carries out assessments to improve targeting of EIF and related projects and roll-out programme services.
4.3. Compiles and shares assessments reports.
5.0. Preparation of sectional budget
6.1. Draws annual budget to ensure that M&E activities are funded.
6.2. Reports on budget expenditure.
Qualifications, Experience and Competencies Required
Masters Degree in Economics, Statistics or a related area with strong statistical background plus two (2) years experience in Monitoring and Evaluation. At least (5) five years of relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of a post-graduate qualification. Working with donor and government funded projects and project systems will be an asset and alsoan added advantage.
• The logical framework approach and other strategic planning approaches
• M&E methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory)
• Planning and implementation of M&E systems
• Training in M&E development and implementation
• Facilitating learning-oriented analysis sessions of M&E data with multiple stakeholders
• Information analysis and report writing
• Competency in Project management
• Proficiency in Computer literacy
Responsibilities and Duties:
Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the EIF NIU Coordinator, National Finance Officer will be responsible to ensure fiduciary aspects of the EIF program and projects are implemented as per the EIF fiduciary guidelines, Government Procurement Manual and Public Finance Act. The person selected will be responsible to:
Assist the work of the NIU Coordinator in ensuring timely project financial reporting of all EIF funded projects.
Prepare financial statements for EIF funded projects on a regular basis for submission to EIF Trust Fund Manager and EIF Executive Secretariat.
Advise the Focal Point, Responsible Government Accounting Officer and National Coordinator, any discrepancies or shortfalls in the utilization of fund on a timely basis and report compliance short falls on the part of implementing partner agencies in abiding with any prescribed rules and Regulations relating to Public Finance Act, including government procurement rules and regulations.
Initiate any corrective measures related to the fiduciary aspects of program and project implementation to ensure compliance with Public Finance Act and Government procurement rules and regulations
Provide regular financial updates and monitor progress of funds disbursement as per approved work plans
Assist in the preparation of EIF funded project budgets and work plans
Take lead in carrying out procurement activities of EIF funded projects in consultation with project stakeholders and MTICM Admin, Procurement and Finance Units
Maintain updated records of all procurement related documents and financial reports and supporting documents and ensure the filing system is kept appropriately.
Ensure project related payments are made on a timely basis
Maintain EIF project accounts and ledgers, perform monthly reconciliations of bank and petty cash books.
Maintain up to date accounting files retaining all necessary supporting document.
Ensure EIF project audits are carried out in accordance with the guidelines set in the EIF projects.
Assist implementation of EIF activities
Assist in coordinating aid mobilization for the trade sector
Assist in undertaking any other relevant work related to implementation of EIF program
Assist in performing any other tasks assigned by NIU Coordinator that are relevant within the project scope.
Exerts strict adherence to the organization's rules, regulations and procedures.
Committed and able to shares knowledge and learning experiences with work colleagues within the Ministry
Actively works towards continuing personal learning acts on learning plan and applies new acquired skills
Ability to conduct and lead meetings and good documentation skills.
Ability to perform a variety of specialized tasks related to project implementation
Ability to establish and maintain contacts with project and related stakeholders
Excellent interpersonal skills
Experience/ Qualification Requirements
The minimum requirement is a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting/Finance or equivalent qualification. Knowledge and application of Public Finance Act and Government Procurement Manual in previous work engagements. . 3-5 years' experience of working in similar capacity. Knowledge of using accounting software and Experience in implementing similar developmental Government and donor related projects will be an added advantage.
Responsibilities and Tasks
1.1 Manage Project Coordinator’s (PC)Diary
Schedule and coordinate the Project Coordinator’s appointments and meeting relevant to work of the EIF Programme
Provide events for shared calendar as directed by the Project Coordinator
Conduct weekly diary meetings with the PC to discuss the upcoming engagement, invitations and other requests
Prepare agenda for meetings routine, or on request
Prepare minutes and take follow up actions on behalf of PC as needed
1.2 Provide Administrative support to the Programs
Provide technical assistance to technical team in administrative matters
Maintain and manage relevant technical events with the EIF local and international partners
Maintain and manage technical files and records in an organised manner
Organise and schedule administrative meetings with technical team
Provide administrative support to EIF international partners in technical matters
Troubleshoot and resolve field teams’ complex technical problems
Support and assist administrative department in strategic direction to technical staffs
With compliance team, ensure compliance to the Project guidelines by technical teams in solicitation of procurement requirements for travels, events and supported meetings
1.3 Coordination/managerial roles as delegated by the PC
Actively follow up any task that has been delegated by the PC to another staff member to ensure completion as soon as possible and always before deadlines
Act on behalf of the PC in specific occasions as instructed by the PC
1.4 Technical Support on Trainings and Meetings
Coordinate the technical teams meeting: The Weekly Technical Team Meeting (TTM), the Monthly and Quarterly Extended Technical Team Meetings (ETTM)- (National Steering Committee (NSC), Technical Appraisal Committee 1&2)
Compile Technical Team’s weekly updates
Make an organised filing of TTMs and ETTMs minutes and action items and follow ups with staff and external stakeholders that have action items
Coordinate with the Technical Teams various EIF’s supported trainings and travels in terms of logistics (bookings, printing, material copying, writing and binding PCs training materials)
Qualifications Required:
Diploma in Business Administration, 3 to 5 years relevant and progressive work experience in the same or equivalent tasks. Preferably worked with the Government and Donor Funded projects will be an asset.
BA Administration or BA degree in Mass Communication with minimum 2 years progressive work experience can be an added advantage.
Essential Skills and Knowledge
Energetic, independent and self-motivated
Excellent analytical, oral and written communication
Excellent management and diplomatic skills
Ability to manage multiple priorities while working as part of the team, multitasking.
Good understanding and application of basic IT programs
Knowledge of presentation skills, specifically Power Point presentation
Knowledge of Lesotho national, and district government structures and operations
Knowledge of existing in country key stakeholders trade, private sector and economic development.
The purpose of the job is to convey the EIF Project’s staff and visitors to their different authorised destinations. The works also include the collection and delivery of mail, people and equipment within and outside the country.
Key responsibilities
Conveyance of visitors and staff to their different authorised destinations
Responsible for the maintenance, road worthiness, cleanliness and service record of the company vehicles allocated to him for work
Collect and deliver mail, people and equipment within and outside the country.
Responsible for the registration and acquisition of road clearance for all EIF Project vehicles
Work closely with and under supervision of the Administrative Assistance on administrative work as may be assigned from time to time.
Required Qualifications and Experience:
Minimum qualification COSC or higher
Be in possession of at least Code B valid and unendorsed drivers’ license
Have at least three (3) to five (5) as a driver in Lesotho. Experience in Government/Government related organisations such as Projects, Parastatals, and donor and development agencies are highly preferred, and will be an added asset to the incumbent.
Key attributes and competences
Ability to communicate good Sesotho and English
Good interpersonal skills
Integrity and self confidence
Wiliness and initiative
Good conduct and communication skills
Trustworthy and respectful
Willing to work awkward hours and all terrains.
The EIF Project offers United Nations Nationally Executed Project Modality (UNEX) and all the remunerations and or benefits are determined as per UNEX Service Contract Scales.
All the positions advertised are existent for the 2 years period of the project but all the incumbents are subject to (1) year contract which will highly considered for extension based on good and satisfactory performance.
Interested applicants should send an application letter, a detailed CV, 2 letters of reference from their referees and certified copies of educational qualifications and transcripts clearly marked on the face the position applied for should be addressed to:
The EIF Project Coordinator
National Implementation Unit
Ministry of Trade and Industry Cooperatives and Marketing
Kingsway Rd, Phase 2 LNDC Building Level 2,
P O Box 747, Maseru 100. Lesotho
On or before Friday 08-08-2014 at 1630 hours. Applicants are kindly requested to indicate their possible earliest availability dates in their letters of applications. Late applications are strictly discouraged.
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